— “As Seen on TV” —


Media Acclaimed

“1-Hr.”  Interactive Tutorial

  • “ Perhaps most important is the success this method seems to have with minority children as well as all children … scoring in the lower quartile on standardized tests…
    This is the kind of success I have had for the last twenty years …” 2011, J.C.Lamb, Ph.D Education, Bilingual Special Education (Testimonials #11 and #14)

  •   This method works and nobody is paying any attention to us …
    no doubt these methods could be a huge success nationwide.”
    Community College of Denver’s TEC – West Youth Fair Chance (Testimonial #17)

  •   We have seen preschoolers master the basics of the times tables in a brief two hour sessionAlaska Library Association (Testimonial #2)

  •   Love this book!!! My kids learned their facts in a week and soooo easily with this book! Highly recommend! AMAZON Parent Review,
    7 JAN. 2015
    (Multiplication Table by the Method of Tricks)

Times Table Tricks®  – As Seen on TV ( the  1990 “pioneer” ) is a fun, interactive, Rhyme, Storyline-based Cartoon Picture Mnemonic method and effective system that teaches the times table easier than any other method available (see, High-Profile, Full-Letterhead Testimonial/Newspaper Article Library and  Manifesto for Change,“100% Guarantee”).  It uses the main modalities of learning: Sight, Sound, and Action.

  • Fastest, Easiest Way to Learn and Teach the Multiplication / Times Tables
  • Unprecedentedly  Complete, Conceptual Theoretical Foundation — A  TRUE  “Kid Friendly” “Encyclopedic” yet Very Short  Little  TEXT BOOK  in EVERY  Sense of the Word!      Perfect for K-3 !!
    PLEASE — Do  COMPARE  with ANY other method  ANYWHERE  —  ANYWHERE  online or in  ANY   U.S. Classroom !!
  • Rhyme-, Storyline- and Numeracy-based Cartoon Picture Mnemonic Method of Rapidly Learning and Teaching Mastery of the Multiplication Table
  • Written Materials  or  Interactive Multimedia (Mr.B’s On-Stage  direct “Call and Response” interaction with your child)
  • Individuals, Classrooms or Large Auditoriums
  • Boosts Confidence and Self-esteem by Using This Method to Rapidly Master the Multiplication / Times Tables
  • Uses Powerful “Thematically Meaningful”  Memory Techniques
  • Engagingly Stimulates the Imagination and Learning — Often with Kids Rapidly Teaching Other Kids
  • Providing a “much needed boost” to the “Common Core Standards”no need to make kids wait until 3rd. grade for them to then have to struggle for months trying to master the Times Table.  For 25 years, Kindergarteners and 1st. graders have been thrilled to get the job done in just a couple of hours with Times Table Tricks®.  For a quarter century, repeated valiant efforts to offer to freely show school district administrators of the 100 largest U.S. school districts how  to provide (see below) every American child the single greatest elementary grade school math pedagogical breakthrough in U.S. history have consistently fallen on persistently stubborn authoritative deaf ears.  Our nation patiently awaits the inevitable parent groundswell investigation to finally emancipate America’s kids — after 28 belligerently shunned years — shunned  (investigate this America!) for absolutely no other reason whatsoever other than that they — the entire U.S. school district establishment — could not claim authorship to even a remotely comparable (never mind “greatest”) revolutionary contribution.  A contribution to America’s children from an “establishment outsider” — especially a contribution arguably the greatest breakthrough in U.S. math pedagogy in history — simply could not (and continues not to) be tolerated.
    Making kids wait until 3rd. grade to Master the Times Table  (the “Holy Grail” of Math) has NEVER  made sense!
    (Within the next few months a detailed list of specific cases compiled over the last several years will be published implicating over 100 of the largest U.S. school districts — detailed documentation for the nation’s examination of specific administrators and politicians who will be unequivocally shown to have chosen  to proactively
    shun  advocating for the greatest math pedagogical breakthrough in U.S. history for millions of American kids over the last quarter century.  And a great debate will erupt all across 40th “math-ranked” America — let not America’s children wait/suffer any longer!)
  • Times Table Tricks® – the ONE HOUR Instruction Sensation  ( THE  original  1990  RHYME-, STORYLINE- and NUMERACY-based pioneering Cartoon Mnemonic “Invention” for Mastering  the Times Tables — see History )

WELCOME !  —  to what may well become the inaugural site of the first online “Math Town Hall for America’s Kids’ Academic Future” and  home to the world’s  fastest   Kid-friendly Times Table mastery system ever devised  —   1-HR.  Times Table Tricks® (formally documented 1991 pioneer of the general Rhyme-, Storyline- and Numeracy-based Cartoon Mnemonic Times Table Mastery strategy).

Mastery of the Times Table is the sole portal  to all mathematics  beyond simple addition and subtraction.

Times Table Tricks®  — the original pioneer — belongs to America’s kids!

For unprecedented acclaim of sheer speed of mastery and  long-term retention —   Please see the  FULL-Letterhead Testimonial and Newspaper Article Library .


Testimonial Excerpts (with links to full documents)

Just  how  effective   IS   Times  Table  Tricks®  ?

 1,000 people showed up from all over Alaska …”      (Testimonial #1)

 We have seen preschoolers master the basics of the times tables in a brief two hour session.”  (Testimonial #2)

“ For the first time in my teaching career … a tool to master this skill in a clearly unique and fun way.”  (Testimonial #3)

  Phoenix …  I was very impressed with your methodology and how well my 3rd grade daughter is retaining what she learned … I am a parent representative … asked to get in touch … if you would be available to be the “main attraction” at our 3rd and 4th grade Family Math night.”  (Testimonial #5)

 … Denver … Your [ “Times Table Tricks®” ] program came to my attention … students … and teachers … a unique, effective and fun approach to mastering [the Times Table] … I’m writing today to inquire if you have used video or broadcast TV to expose students and families to your methods, and if you have not, to see if you would have an interest in exploring the potential of doing so.”    (Testimonial #6)

 … your [ “Times Table Tricks”® ] … certainly captivated your audience for nearly 2 hours … still fielding calls asking about getting your book … You are obviously, and very successfully, teaching a math skill that these children are in need of and parents want taught.”     (Testimonial #8)

 … students with amazing accuracy and speed.  And, most of these Second Graders could be considered ‘at risk’ “.  (Testimonial #9)

  students were motivated and excited by the rate they were able to learn … The students were pre- and post-tested … It was highly effective and a whole school year later the retention is amazing.”  (Testimonial #10)

 Perhaps most important is the success this method seems to have with minority children as well as all children … scoring in the lower quartile on standardized tests… The “black hole” of the times table and long division unfortunately separates many children in elementary school into those who can and those who can’t.  A first success could “snowball” and allow children to then begin to ponder the higher order … math which are all parents’ and teachers’ goals in math education. … This is the kind of success I have had for the last twenty years …”  (Testimonials #11 and #14)

  I attended the presentation on Multiplication by [Mr.B] that was on your show.  It was wonderful.  My daughter learned in 2 hours what I have, and her teachers have, been trying to teach her for 2 years.”  (Testimonial #15)

  this method works and nobody is paying any attention to us … no doubt these methods could be a huge success nationwide.”

(Community College of Denver’s TEC – West Youth Fair Chance)  See 2-page Denver Post Cover Story (Testimonial #17) and Newspaper Articles (Testimonials #18, #19, #20 and #21).

Please see the FULL-Letterhead Testimonial and Newspaper Article Library


THIS SITE  hopes to spark a national conversation leading to a nationwide resolve to emancipate every child from any possible anxiety of mathematics in life by rallying around a Total Overhall of the 40th-ranked U.S. Mathematics curricular paradigm (PISA press release, 2015), an overhaul ushering in a mathematics renaissance for kids all across America (please see Manifesto for Change).  Precedent-setting, step-by-step solutions, this universal dream is no longer in the “planning” stages.  For example, 1-HR. Times Table instruction for kids as young as Kindergarteners (this site) as well as Calculus mainstreamed for grade school classrooms are already here (Testimonial Library, items #2 and #32, respectively)  — and have been since 1990!   They’re ready for a classroom near you.  Is your  school district ready?  

Unprecedentedly  conceptually complete   Times Table Tricks® is the undisputed 1990 pioneering leader in opposing agonizingly boring “drill” and protractedly cumbersome “skip counting” in deference to the first time in recorded history  inventing of the incomparably effective use of “Thematically Meaningful” Rhyme-, Storyline- and Numeracy-based Pictorial Cartoon Mnemonics in both (1) Written Form as well as in (2) Large Auditorium Performances rapidly empowering kids with unprecedentedly long-term retention of Times Table Mastery (please see FULL-Letterhead Testimonial and Newspaper Article Library).  With it’s documented 1991 absolutely unique, complete, very Kid-friendly conceptual theoretical treatment, Times Table Tricks® is a perfect complement  to the increasingly nationally embraced Common Core Standards — a “uniformity” objective, sought by many for decades, now moving prominently toward anticipated nationwide adoption.  With its conceptually complete  yet succinct theoretical treatment and documentedly verifiable incomparable track record, Times Table Tricks® is  “already”  uniquely suited to dramatically accelerate the  “hoped-for”   objectives of the Multiplication and Division goals of the national Common Core Standards.

With all fortunes now hinging on the establishment’s  latest  moniker,  “Common Core” Standards,  any documented  20-year acclaimed, legitimate assist should be hailed — not shunned, “sight-unseen” — by any  U.S. school district administration in power to cast (state by state) the fate of an entire nation’s future. Being on the “Right side of History”, after more than 2-decades of unprecedented  acclaim, continues to be a very comforting companion indeed. America’s parents need to rally “together as one” and demand  that — after 2-decades — U.S. school districts must stop stonewalling “outsider” revolutionary breakthroughs — and  get these kinds of results into the hands of our kids  —> NOW!  

First introduced to the state of Utah in 1991, Mr.B’s abruptly inventive, completely “paradigm changing” globally revolutionary 1-HR. Rhyme- and Storyline-based Cartoon Picture Mnemonic system of Rapidly Teaching Mastery of the Multiplication Table to very young children astounded education experts and won instant acclaim by Utah’s largest school district. So compelling were the results of 2 days of intense scrutiny by the school district’s administration and principals alike that the district subsequently flew Mr.B back down from Alaska for a solid 2-week classroom showcase before a steady stream of key educators from throughout the Salt Lake Valley.  As a result of the power of this pioneering ground-breaking general strategy the district offered to publish the method and pay Mr.B royalties. (Since the method was but one of several proprietary ground-breaking strategies planned to be self-published for the nation’s children the district’s kind offer was nevertheless respectfully declined.)  (see History, “THE FIRST” U.S. SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCLAIM)         GLOBAL UPDATE:  This greatest of all strategies has just been modified through a proprietary modification rendering it language independent and promptly field tested in villages of Ukraine and Slovakia with enthusiastic “educationally at-risk” pre-schoolers (always the best critics for revolutionary math breakthrough strategies shattering standard, tired age-old paradigms) and, pending patent, will be available globally in due course.


For as long as anyone can remember, the “state of the art” teaching the Times Table in U.S. classrooms  has been — and, sadly, will continue to be — (1) “flash cards” (electronic or otherwise) and (2) “Skip Counting” (regrettably embraced by Common Core).  Not until the indifference of our 40th-ranked national math education “leadership” finally yields to the nation’s collective parental demands rising as “one voice” will there be a shred of hope for liberating our children from this extremely misguided visionless age-old pedagogical mindset. The standard, persistent archaic claim that Skip Counting is optimal for setting the stage for fluent Division is completely bogus:  Fluent Division depends only on instantaneous recall of “multiplication facts” — be it through the standard current arduously inferior U.S. classroom/homeschool rote-memorization methods mentioned above or the vastly superior phonic mnemonic/visual mnemonic methods pioneered in 1990 by Times Table Tricks® (herein).  Skip Counting — in addition to being just that, “counting”, not “knowing” — is at the most primal level, in fact, just “rote” memory — the most inefficient method of cerebral “data acquisition”.  In this, (compared with Mnemonic Imagery, which is vastly faster to “upload”,  vastly faster to “download” ) Skip Counting proffers no advantage whatsoever (and its disadvantages are severe) in that to obtain each given Multiplication “math fact” the child must slog through a “laboriously distractive iteration process” (fraught with potential error from miscounting) drawing upon an arduously protracted “boot camp” of  repetitive rote memory practice “in search of” final inculcation (through mental “bludgeoning” repetition) — the most inefficient method for cognitive recall, both in terms of speed of acquisition (so critical for the short attention span of young children) as well as for the principal treasured objective of long-term retention.  How this “goofy” boondoggle (“Skip Counting”) became a canonized staple of our nation’s attempt to empower our children with the single most pivotal mathematics skill of their lives — namely, mastery of both (1) comprehension of purpose  and (2) instantaneous command of the “Times Table” — is one of the great historical enigmas in reflecting upon our persistent, decades-long abysmal international math pedagogical standing — a 40th-ranked, international “laughing stock” embarrassment.  The problem is with the adult’s inability to instruct (specifically, the curriculum of teaching the Times Table), NOT  the children’s ability to learn!

Instruction based upon either use of “flash cards” and/or “Skip Counting” is fraught with the disadvantages of: (1) boredom, (2) long acquisition-times (months, years and sometimes never), (3) “facts” being easily forgotten and (4) “facts” easily confused with one another. In the case of Skip Counting there is the additional disadvantage of the necessity of keeping track of the number of iterations passed in order to know when to stop. Any one of these debilitating disadvantages is hopelessly archaic and simply not used by any practitioner in any math-based profession. Yet, virtually without exception, this still represents, today, the de facto default “state of the art” persistently used by elementary classrooms and home-school programs nationwide.  And still, in the face of these long-standing indictments of highly inefficient methods to which our nation’s children continue to be (mandatorily) subjected, the post-stoneage standard cry from the U.S. public school industry continues to be:  “Children should wait until 3rd. grade to begin learning the Times Table” (a postponement which has NEVER made sense) and then grind through Skip-Counting (a highly laborious “cataloging” task) while, often, simultaneously being required to integrate “Division” (an opposing “procedural” task) without first establishing a firm, proper acquisition of the Times Table “tool kit” to handle the panoply of applications encountered in multiplication (and division) problem solving, not to mention the classroom staple — the math fact “time test”.

Once the Times Table is truly mastered, a straightforward retracing of the “skills path” just traveled can easily render multi-digit Division by very young children a conceptually compelling and rapid enthusiasm in a mere couple of hours, explaining the (1) motivation for Division in our lives (“fair sharing”, in the most general sense), (2) the rationale for sequential assembly of partial contributions to the ultimate quotient (explaining the expedient of proceeding left to right even though the underlying concept develops from “right to left”, (3) that unlike Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication there really is NO Division “math” per se in that “Division” is really a sequential sleuthing employing “Backward Multiplication” on the shoulders of a stealthy “Guess and Check” odyssey.  (Apparently, nowhere else has a proper succinct analysis, in “kid-friendly” terms, been provided which makes instantly clear to children the “anatomy and physiology” of this interesting asymmetry among the 4 arithmetic operations.)  Whether the Times Table has been mastered by Rote Memory,  Skip Counting or the vastly superior option, “Mnemonic Imagery” (see the “Manifesto” page), matters not — the requirement is the same:  “Guess and Check” while flipping (lighteningly fast with the present system) through the mental repository of “Times Table facts” to multiplicatively slip up as closely as possible to the “current dividend”.

After more than 28 years of futily pointing out the obvious to the U.S. public school industry’s 40th-rate self-absorbed aristocracy, it is clear that there is no “getting through” to the U.S. national public school administrative bureaucrat cartel.  In marked contrast to the U.S., perhaps Ukraine and Slovakia (and in the near future, other nations) will appreciate such advocacy of revolutionary breakthroughs for their  children, employing the  single greatest breakthrough in history for U.S. elementary (K-6) mathematics pedagogy — the  1990  “1-Hr.” Times Table system of  Times Table Tricks®  ( dramatically collapsing from months and years for 3rd. graders down to a mere couple of hours with classrooms of 1st. graders) — a quarter century-old lost opportunity for a U.S. national windfall so resolutely persistently snubbed (sight unseen, despite the highest acclaim across a broad spectrum of childhood education professionals) over the last 28 years by the U.S. public school administrator “establishment” (notably unproductive,  itself, of such media acclaimed breakthroughs). For nearly a quarter century, U.S. school district administrative jealousy of media acclaimed revolutionary breakthrough offerings by “establishment outsiders” has taken a terrible toll on unprecedented mathematics learning opportunities for America’s kids.  The publicity of such toll shall in due course fuel the vanguard of a developing major expose for years to come. As for the U.S., truly gainful  fortunes in actual  math education  for our children will ultimately be left to their parents as well as those of us fortunate enough to be allowed a few precious moments to show America’s kids a massively more sensible alternative to the persistent archaism of U.S. visionless  mathematics pedagogy.

It is a true “crime of intentional documented  sabotage” that for over a quarter century bureaucratic narcissism has proven so costly in the toll taken in the tremendous loss of opportunities for America’s kids.  A litany of high profile case studies will be released in the next few months providing documentation from email excerpts (and in some cases postal mail evidence) naming specific school district administrators, dates of correspondences,  politicians in league with school district administrators’ gross negligent apathy, etc..  Such documentation will be made freely, readily available to local parent activist coalitions exposing their  school district administrators’ malfeasance so that parents, en masse, in local coalitions all across America can prosecute, locally, the most egregious actionable cases in their  school district administrations. Look for this very lengthy, detailed roster of specific negligent administrators’ actions/belligerent inactions as well as politicians and other “assumed” stake holders publicly holding themselves out to be “child advocates” but who, in fact, will be most compellingly clearly exposed as going far out of their way to avoid advocating for excellence.  It is hoped that the fallout of these disclosures results in the launching of many U.S. major municipal groundswell public movements to hold specific school district administrators/politicians accountable for gross dereliction of duty over these last 2 decades — in some cases uncovering the clearest possible cases of school district administrators having committed “intentional  sabotage of excellence for our children, entirely  for the sake of “authoritative image” exclusionary to “outsiders” having the audacity of seeking to provide revolutionary breakthroughs for our kids via offerings (spurned, “sight unseen”) to the elitist, 40th-ranked public school industry of the U.S..  Anticipated time of state-by-state, extensive documentented compilation release: summer, 2018.  Stay tuned for details.

Despite a few imitators’ occasional high profile claims to the contrary, Times Table Tricks® is, in fact, the  documented 1991  authentic pioneer inventor of the succinct, yet conceptually complete, 1-HR. Rhyme-,  Storyline- and Numeracy-based “Thematically Meaningful” Cartoon Mnemonic Times Table Mastery strategy.  Among all  other methods in existence, documentedly Mr.B continues to maintain the completely unique distinction of being invited as a guest on several Radio and T.V. talk shows, repeated guest appearances on Children’s TV programming and his Times Table Tricks® method was the focus of several Prime Time TV Evening News special reports as well as featured (along with his other math programs) in various Newspaper Articles, including a two-page Cover Story in the Denver Post — and for over 2 decades even honored by others trying their hand at imitating his revolutionary groundbreaking strategy as a result of its unprecedented efficacy.  No Other Times Table Mastery System in Existence Remotely Approximates Such an Extensive Legacy of High Profile Attention as that Acclaimed for the 1990 Pioneering Torchbearer — Times Table Tricks®.

4 KEY POINTS to be made here:

1. Math is non-subjective.  EVERY child is a champion with each victory!  It’s an inspiringly confidence-confirming message for students that allows them to mutually nurture each other in the learning process instead of competing.  The language of math should flow in the same way as we speak.  It’s simply symbolic shorthand having to do with quantities.  An early Rapid Mastery of the Times Table  will provide an enormous academic catapult forward for every young child in America — a stellar victory that will remain a powerful force throughout their lives.

2. “Multiplication” is when the “same thing keeps happening.”  It’s everywhere!   Rapid, Long-Term Mastery of the Multiplication Table is the  sole portal  to ALL mathematics beyond simple addition and subtraction.  Since math is the only  truly non-subjective subject in school (science depends on presumed models ) math is uniquely  suited to help every child in the country gain a powerful sense of self-confidence and do it in a way that leads to their wanting to serve others.  What better way to launch a child’s career in math than with a highly acclaimed 1-hr. Times Table Cartoon Mnemonic — Times Table Tricks®.

Let  Times Table Tricks®  into 40th-ranked U.S. classrooms!

3.  For years other industrialized nations have outperformed U.S. students in math.  Mr.B has long maintained that much of the difficulty kids have had in school is due in large part to their not having been effectively served.  Mr.B doesn’t blame teachers.  Goodness knows we already have the  best people in the vast majority of our nation’s classrooms.  No doubt about that!  Mr.B has long held that the problem is the curriculum.  Despite the very best efforts by both parents and teachers to impart mastery of the Times Table to our children such efforts are always met with a major log-jam in U.S. elementary math education. 

Far too great of a percentage of our kids never truly master this pivotal skill in time to remain mathematically on par with their peers and this trailing disadvantage invariably remains right up through middle school and on through high school graduation and beyond.  For example, any student in America not allowed  to enter 7th. grade in Algebra I  (typically more than 7 out of 8 U.S. students prevented  from doing so — check your own school district’s statistics) will be locked-in-track  to graduate high school without  AP Statistics (and even some without  AP Calculus as well) on their transcripts as compared with the other “1 out of 8”, thereby greatly compromising their chances for (1) acceptance into a college of their choice  and (2) receiving top college scholarships (not to mention failure to be globally  on par with their international peers) — all because of insufficient elementary school math preparation of the basics by 6th. grade. (All  of this preparation should easily be managed for all children in a classroom setting in less than a single year at the 3rd. grade level.) For over 2 decades Mr.B’s offers to freely demonstrate the power behind the stellar accolades of his Times Table Tricks® method (Please see FULL-Letterhead Testimonial and Newspaper Article Library) have been consistently ignored by 100 of the largest U.S. school districts.  (Was your  child a frustrated, struggling student in one of these school districts?)

4.  U.S. teachers have been doing a good job teaching math application, but the curriculum  (a) is bereft of a proper grammatical foundation,  (b) fails to correctly address math concepts and  (c) maintains a deep and pervasive widespread failure to “seamlessly derive”  even a small minority —  never mind all  — presented formulaic results forming the conceptual body of mathematics.  Completely  “seamlessly derived” concept-driven results form the foundations of ALL of Mr.B’s acclaimed strategies and curricula developed over the last 40 years.

AT LAST :  After more than 2-decades, ignored by the nation’s “education” establishment — now kids, their parents and the property tax paying voters up and down the neighborhood streets of America at last have a point of excellence around which we can all rally — namely, our Kids and  (as seen on TV) the parent, teacher, principal, municipal librarian, corporate and media acclaimed 1-HR.  Times Table Tricks®  instruction method that started it all (1990).

As parent, let your  voice be heard:    Let  Times Table Tricks®  into  “academically imprisoned”  39th-ranked U.S. classrooms!


As a result of the current math “education” in America, our children now rank 40th internationally.

THE PROBLEM:   Over 20% of our nation’s youth drop out of high school.  Our nation has not solved this problem.  Math is the only truly non-subjective academic subject and stunningly effective innovations at any juncture in the math education paradigm is therefore ideally suited to make major contributions in stemming the tide of this tragic loss of national treasure of lost future leaders.

As we all realize, there is no progress in math education beyond simple Addition and Subtraction until the Multiplication Table is Mastered.  Year after year, throughout our nation’s homes and schools, the sheer boredom and frailties of the decades-old “state of the art” Multiplication Table instructional methods (dull, boring, brute-force rote memorization of flash cards — electronic or otherwise — as well as hopelessly, protractedly cumbersome “skip-counting”) have proven disappointing in their failure to rapidly catapult (en masse) our children through a memorably exciting mastery and long-term-retention of this absolutely pivotal skill serving as the sole portal through which a lifetime of math and science excellence may only be achieved.

( Unaware of Times Table Tricks® —  all too often, with a brooding sense of defeat, many of our nation’s 3rd and 4th grade teachers simply pass out calculators or Multiplication Table answer grids.  This is obviously not the option we should pursue. )

A SPECIFIC SOLUTION:   A dramatic, early victory in math — Kid-friendly FUN, Extremely Rapid Mastery of the Multiplication Table — will go a long way in completely revolutionizing the math education landscape across the nation and provide a heretofore missing crucial point of departure toward academic excellence that students otherwise destined to “drop out” might never experience.  Literally, for the first time in recorded history (1990), a truly revolutionary method, Times Table Tricks® for Rapid Mastery of the Times Table using RHYME, STORYLINE and NUMERACY-based CARTOON MNEMONICS, typically in 1-4 hrs (often with children as young as Kindergarten age) has become a parent, teacher and media acclaimed sensation.                                         ( Please see FULL-Letterhead Testimonial and Newspaper Article Library )

Remaining the 1-HR. “gold standard”
since its invention in 1990 — this unique Rhyme- and Storyline-based grammatically correct, conceptually complete Times Table strategy can be expected to soon become  “America’s Method of Choice”  for rapidly empowering our nation’s young children through a dramatic early victory in their lifelong love of math.      Let  Times Table Tricks®  into 40th-ranked U.S. classrooms!

( Please see FULL-Letterhead Testimonial and Newspaper Article Library )

Now your  children can participate in this math renaissance
destined to sweep our country — at very long last!

So, Round Up the Kids and Let’s Get Started !

Please support Mr.B’s

2019  “Every Child a Times Table Champion by Year’s End”  campaign
using  ANY  method that you can!


Please have your child respond out loud — interactively — to Mr. B’s promptings throughout this program, proceeding through the Tutorial clips of the TUTORIALS Drop-Down from INTRO (free to view) through TEST 2.   To ensure maximum value, after your child finishes each  of the 6 “Tricks” (following the INTRO clip) your child should demonstrate  Mastery  of the given “Trick” by clicking on the PRACTICE button found below the viewing window of the particular “Trick” video clip just completed.  Assurance  of such  Mastery  will prove priceless for Rapid Mastery of Division. (Note: At the end of each Trick clip, if you are in Full Screen mode you will need to exit Full Screen mode in order to find the  PRACTICE  button below the viewing window — OR — simply click on the corresponding  “PRACTICE RIBBON”  shown in the Tutorial heading “Drop Down”.)

The 6 “TRICKS” (and their respective PRACTICE RIBBONS) (1) NINE Trick, (2) FIVE Trick, (3) 3 SISTERS & BEST FRIEND, (4) 8,7-TRIANGLE, (5) VOTERS and (6) DREAMY-GOLD-TEENAGE-CHICKEN-PICKIN’-CHEERS.     Have FUN!             ( Suggested website improvements from Moms and Dads are very  gratefully appreciated! )


For School District Licensing / Inservices / Special  1-Week  “Get It DONE!”    District-wide (All 2nd Graders and above) Intensive Start-to-Finish   “Times Table Mastery”  Campaigns (Classroom Live-Feed or Tutorial Streaming, Assemblies, Inservice),


Benjamin B. Hughes

Learn the Times Tables – Multiplication Tables Fast and Easy in Just ONE HOUR with the As Seen on TV! – Times Table Tricks®
